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The user's roles
The user's roles

On Gryzzly, you can assign roles to your collaborator, allowing them to do some actions!

Jonathan Magat avatar
Written by Jonathan Magat
Updated over 11 months ago

How does the user's roles work?

How to assign roles

☝️ In your administration panel, the Users tab enables you to manage user roles.

✏️ When you edit a collaborator, you can assign them one of the various roles available within the application. No need to save; the change is instantaneous.

assign roles

View someone’s role

Roles are indicated in the administration view under the user tab as well as from the Users view.

User roles

User roles adapted to your organization

There are 5 user roles:

Let’s review them all, from the most privileged to the most restricted!

Super admin

The all-powerful role is simply the one that enables you to do and see everything. This role also gives you the right to manage your space subscription.

👉 Note: The role of admin is automatically granted to the user who first installs the application.


The admin is concerned primarily with managing their client portfolios, projects, and the teams working on them. This role grants you access to all application menus, except for the subscription page.

Along with the role of super admin, this is the only one that can view a user's hourly cost and the financial data available in the Projects menu. This role enables you to view all projects, including those you are not assigned to.

More specifically, the admin can:

  • Check the Projetcs, Clients, My time, Team, and Administration panels,

  • Create and edit projects,

  • Create and edit clients,

  • Edit tags and teams,

  • Edit the entries of a subordinate collaborator,

  • Check and edit a lower-ranking collaborator’s entries (cost, hourly capacity, roles, and deactivation).


The project lead is primarily tasked with managing their projects and the teams working under them. Unlike the admin, they won’t be able to: access financial information for projects they are not responsible for, check the Administration and Clients panels, edit a user’s hourly costs, or manage tasks and teams.

On the other hand, they can:

  • Check the Projects and Team panels,

  • Create and edit projects,

  • Edit a lower-ranking collaborator’s entries.

👉 Note: the project lead can only edit projects they are responsible for.

Team Member

This is Gryzzly’s elementary role, which enables them to:

  • Check projects assigned to them via the Projects menu,

  • Check the timesheet menu to edit their own entries.

👉 Note: the team member can only access the Time tab in the project sheet and no other tabs.


Finally, the role of Contributor is the most limited one available in Gryzzly, which only allows you to do one thing, but do it well: make time entries.

A contributor is unable to edit their own entries or check the time spent on a project.

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